This delicious Korean beef bowl is prepare in around 20 minutes and is a family-friendly meal. Made with ground beef, serve information technology with either white rice or cauliflower rice for a fast gluten-free dinner, and the leftovers brand great lunches as well!

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Quick + Easy Korean Ground Beef

Quick, salubrious meals are a must in our house. A few central ingredients and some simple seasonings are all you lot need to make this savory beef basin.

  • Ground beefiness – We've besides tried this with ground pork, turkey and chicken but our go-to is beefiness.
  • Shallot – Similar to onion but adds a more concentrated flavor.
  • Ginger – Fresh grated ginger is a must for u.s.a., but in a compression yous can sub footing dried ginger.
  • Sesame oil – Our preferred cooking oil for any Asian inspired dishes.
  • Coconut aminos – Gives the beef that sweet-salty flavor, similar to soy sauce. These are Not liquid aminos, see the recipe bill of fare notes.
  • Fish sauce – Adds more salty, umami season.
  • Seasonings – Garlic powder, onion powder and blood-red pepper flakes give the dish a slightly spicy boot.

Looking for more? Here are all of our quick + piece of cake recipes!

Close up image of korean beef in a bowl with rice and greens. Topped with chopped green onion and drizzled with spicy mayo.

The Easiest Sauce for any Korean Beefiness

Information technology's no clandestine that we beloved healthy homemade sauces, seasonings and dressings.

For this recipe, we added the easiest spicy mayo sauce that yous can whip up in 1-minute! Seriously, you shouldn't skip this sauce. Information technology adds a creaminess to the bowl that pairs perfectly with the savory and salty Korean beef.

Korean beef served in a bowl with rice and greens. Topped with chopped green onion and drizzled with spicy mayo.

Making information technology a Healthy Korean Beef Bowl

Nosotros love basin meals considering you can whip up an easy protein, add together some veggies and toppings and telephone call information technology a meal! Here are some serving ideas to make a delicious bowl with Korean beef.

  • Continue it simple and serve it with white rice or cauliflower rice.
  • Dump it over any fresh greens you take on hand.
  • Employ lettuce leaves to wrap the beef with avocado and the spicy mayo sauce.
  • Pair it with some roasted veggies or get in into a stir-fry.
  • Toss it on tiptop of spiralized veggies or some gluten-free pasta.
Two bowls of korean beef with rice and greens, topped with chopped green onion and a spicy mayo sauce. Extra sauce and green onion on the side.

More than Quick + Easy Bowls To Endeavor

  • Healthy Teriyaki Chicken Bowl
  • Spicy Pork Bowls
  • Ground Beefiness Taco Bowls
  • Cilantro Lime Shrimp Bowls
  • Thai Basil Craven Bowls
Close up of one bowl of korean beef over rice and greens. Topped with chopped green onion and spicy mayo.

Your Plow to effort This Easy Beefiness Bowl

Make life easier by adding this easy Korean beefiness basin to your meal plan. Your family will enjoy it, and you'll really relish how quick and easy information technology is to brand!

Leave a annotate beneath to permit us know it goes. Also, take a motion picture to share on Instagram! Tag us @realsimplegood, and requite u.s.a. a follow if you don't already. We'd beloved to stay connected!

Vertical image with text overlay at the top. Image of bowl of korean beef over rice and green with chopped green onion and spicy mayo on top.

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Vertical split image with text overlay in the middle. Top image is close up of korean beef in a bowl and bottom image is more pulled out photo of korean beef bowl.

Close up overhead shot of single korean beef bowl with rice and spicy mayo topping

Get the Recipe:

Healthy twenty-Minute Korean Beef Bowl

This succulent Korean beefiness bowl is ready in around 20 minutes and is a family-friendly meal. Made with basis beef, serve it with either white rice, cauliflower rice and veggies.

  • 1 shallot, diced
  • 2 inches fresh ginger, peeled and grated on a microplane
  • i tablespoon toasted sesame oil
  • 2 pounds footing beef, (see notes)
  • 1 teaspoon reddish pepper flakes
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • one teaspoon onion pulverisation
  • i/2 cup coconut aminos, (encounter notes)
  • 2 tbsp fish sauce, (come across notes)
  • 4 cups cauliflower rice, (tin sub white rice if you're not doing Whole30)
  • 6 cups greens of option, (chopped romaine, arugula, spinach, etc.)

Optional sauce:

  • 1/4 cup mayo
  • ane tbsp hot sauce, (adjust to taste)

Optional toppings:

  • chopped green onions
  • sliced avocado
  • Start past preparing rice to take it ready. If serving with cauliflower rice, wait until the beef is almost done every bit it only takes a few minutes to cook.

  • Die shallot and grate ginger to have it gear up.

  • Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and add sesame oil. Once hot, add together in ground beef. Interruption the beef upward into small-scale bits.

  • Add together the shallot, ginger, red pepper, garlic pulverization, and onion powder and mix with the beef. Continue cooking, stirring occasionally, until the meat is browned and developing some crispy bits, about 8 minutes.

  • Add the coconut aminos and fish sauce and cook for another 3-4 minutes.

  • If you are making the optional sauce, mix the mayo and hot sauce in a small bowl.

  • Serve beefiness in a bowl over a bed of greens with rice or cauliflower rice. Acme with optional sauce and enjoy.

  • The recipe can as well be made with basis pork, chicken or turkey.
  • The coconut aminos linked to in the recipe are the aminos we employ (Coconut Secret kokosnoot aminos). Braggs brand aminos are Non the same matter. Braggs liquid aminos are a soy-based and much saltier than coconut aminos. If you utilize Braggs aminos, nosotros suggest using just 1-two tbsp to commencement and adjusting to taste. You tin also omit the salt from the recipe.
  • As an alternative to coconut aminos, y'all tin brand your own using our DIY coconut aminos substitute recipe.
  • If you wish to omit the fish sauce, you can supplant it with more kokosnoot aminos. Since fish sauce is salty, you may need to add more salt to accommodate your taste.

Healthy 20-Minute Korean Beef Bowl Healthy 20-Minute Korean Beef Bowl Healthy 20-Minute Korean Beef Bowl Healthy 20-Minute Korean Beef Bowl Healthy 20-Minute Korean Beef Bowl