Youtube Upload New Video With Same Url as Old Video

Back in 2018  YouTube changed the fashion their embed codes work on tertiary-party sites. It happened quite quietly, and without much annunciation but its rather an important shift in how YouTube embeds behave so we idea we had ameliorate explore how this changes your sites relationship with YouTube and how you might use video embeds moving forward

Here is how the embed video settings used to await by default when you selected embed video lawmaking on any YouTube video pre- October 2018. ( Encounter below)- apologies for the quality screenshot here- nosotros grabbed it for a walk through we did on this technique as it was the only record we had of how information technology used to be.)

Pre October 2018 YouTube Embed video control panel

Here is how it looks now ( see below)

Youtube embed since oct-2018

Every bit you can see, 2 of the original four embed code control options have been removed including the all-important 'Bear witness suggested videos when the video finishes." Unchecking the 'Show suggested videos' choice used to ensure your video but concluded and didn't show any links to other videos. That'south not how it works anymore.

So what is the big deal with that? Well, it means that if you are embedding videos into your ain website, yous have just lost an piece of cake way to command whether related videos are shown to the user afterward the video yous embedded has finished playing. Related video links tin cause you lot a problem if you lot allow them to trigger unfettered. Y'all might not realise information technology but YouTube will choose related videos and personalise the ones information technology shows based on that YouTube users individual recent watching habits and preferences equally well as the context of the video you have embedded. If you have customers who are researching a particular production category and watching a selection of dissimilar videos then this could result in prominent visual links to your competitor's videos showing up within the embed video window on your brand's website. That'southward not an ideal outcome.

Let's just explore how that looks and functions in practice with an instance one of our own videos.

Standard embed- here is what the embed code looks like for those of y'all who are curious.

<iframe width="560″ top="315″ src="" frameborder="0″ allow="accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; motion-picture show-in-movie" allowfullscreen></iframe>

If you play the above video through to the end of the video you will notice you lot get lots of related videos that YouTube deems relevant to you. Clicking on any of these options volition open upward a new browser tab taking you away from our website and into YouTube.

OK, lets now take a expect at  a Standard embed code where nosotros have manually added in the one-time "?rel=0 " to the embed URL
( we have highlighted the ?rel=0 additional code so yous can see where this gets inserted.)

<iframe width="560″ acme="315″ src="" frameborder="0″ permit="accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; pic-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

With this video when we get to the stop you will discover that only other videos from Target Internet'south channel are existence displayed.

And so what should y'all do nearly it? Well, in that location are notwithstanding a couple of choices you take.

Option i Brand apply of the "?rel=0" code

Adding ?rel=0 onto the end of your YouTube video reference was exactly what the original "prove suggested videos when the video finishes" selection used to add when you unchecked that control box. Information technology actually still works, simply non as information technology used to. Before October 2018 the video would just cease and render the tone start screen. It volition at present display related videos from the same channel as the video you have embedded. So, if you accept a lot of embed videos on your blog and have been using the rel?=0 fox you lot may well beginning getting a lot more traffic leaving your site on pages that have videos from YouTube embedded. If you have just been adding standard default embed lawmaking into your posts you lot aren't likely to discover much difference but we hope this commodity highlights some of the issues with using YouTube embeds to play your ain videos. remember – if you accept embedded videos from other peoples youtube channels you volition yet get other videos from their channel recommended.  Nosotros oasis't found any mode to stop this, but if yous know of i delight exercise get in touch.

I thing nosotros institute you lot cannot do is to add together '?Rel=0' code if you accept enabled the privacy heighten mode when y'all grabbed your embed code from Youtube. If yous did this the lawmaking would look something like this

<iframe src="" width="560″ height="315″ frameborder="0″ allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

but don't waste material your time. It will have no effect.

Pick 2 Utilise a dedicated paid for Video hosting service

Use a defended paid for  Video hosting service like Vimeo for whatsoever video'southward of yours that you want to embed gives you all your command back. Nosotros utilize Vimeo Pro video hosting at Target Cyberspace and it'due south groovy. If y'all take existing third-party videos embedded into your blog, you lot might consider finding those videos on Vimeo and making utilize of Vimeo's embed lawmaking to play the videos instead of YouTube's. A lot of brands accept a Vimeo channel, and actually with this change in the mode YouTube'south video embed code works we would argue that having all your brands videos available via Vimeo as well equally on YouTube just became quite a valid consideration for any brand serious about encouraging video sharing without the related videos issue creeping into the deal un-invited.

In a higher place you can see the aforementioned video uploaded into Vimeo. Considering we have a Vimeo Pro account we are able to set upward a custom video actor which we tin can utilise to this video or to all our video embeds and it has got some great functionality you can command built into the custom Vimeo Player. You can upload a custom transparent PNG logo to be used past your histrion and link that logo to any folio yous wish. You also accept complete control over how the player behaves at the end of the video. In the instance above we have asked it to display our other videos every bit YouTube does. However, we can just as easily ask it to link to any spider web page or a multitude of other useful things. The options were so numerous we couldn't capture them all in one screenshot so we put together a short video to show some of the options available. Another video hosting choice you lot might consider is Wistia who have some great features for custom players and embeds which can help you to retain command.

Should you still host videos on YouTube?

Well as YouTube is the second largest search engine on the web, the answer to this is absolutely YES! Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Placing your video content on YouTube is one of the best ways to ensure it shows upwardly to people looking for it and we have a number of suggestions on how to optimise that video content so information technology gets found in this podcast. However, with these changes, you may demand to rethink how you make employ of video embeds within your own website.  Marketers spend lots of time, money and valuable resources getting traffic to their websites. Nosotros all know how much video content can help users to convert. However, the concluding matter you want to happen is for some of that traffic to get sucked dorsum into YouTube possibly at a crucial moment in the purchase decision-making process. Go familiar with how the new embeds piece of work and make a strategic pick for how videos behave on your website. As we have pointed out- you lot don't have to use YouTube for delivering videos on your own website.

Hopefully, this article volition give yous a skilful idea of how to arroyo video on your website.  The important thing we think you should all do as a minimum of these changes is to make a annotation at present of how your website content is making use of YouTube Video embeds and brand a firm determination on how you want things to work moving frontwards. With the right gear up up, you tin can avert video embeds unwittingly driving your website visitors back to YouTube or to your competitor's video content.


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